Transcript of Taped Conversation Between Bobby Davis and Laurie Fine in Syracuse Case

Overview of Syracuse Scandal

Bernie Fine:  In Happier Times
Recently, former Syracuse ball boy Bobby Davis and two others have come forward and accused former Syracuse basketball assistant head coach Bernie Fine of molestation.   Bobby Davis's credibility quotient rose appreciably when a tape he made 8 years ago of a conversation between he and Fine's wife, Laurie, recently surfaced.  Although Davis had turned the tape over to ESPN and a Syracuse newspaper more than 8 years ago, it had remained largely secret until this past week.  Below is a transcript of the conversation.

If you want to hear some interesting audio clips of the conversation, Click Here.

To read our full recap of the Syracuse scandal, Click Here

Here is Transcript of Taped Call Between Bobby Davis and Laurie Fine

Bobby: Hello Laurie. It’s Bobby.

Laurie: Hi Bobby.

Bobby: You said to call you Monday or Tuesday.

Laurie: Hold on. Let me get someone else off the other line.

Bobby Davis

Laurie: Sorry.

Bobby: I was thinking about calling Bernie, just to talk to him. But I didn’t know if it was a good idea or a bad idea.

Laurie: I wouldn’t call him.

Bobby: A bad idea?

Laurie: Bernie gets something in his head ...

Bobby: Yeah.

Laurie: I’m not telling you what (crosstalk) ... I’m advising you. He carries a grudge. He feels like you owed him that money and he wants it and...

Bobby: That money from like...? Remember we talked about this the last time? Like he’s still talking about that then?

Laurie: Him? That’s his big bone of contention. If you ...

Bobby: How about that stuff at Manley, when he came and threatened me and everything? Remember I called you that day and I was scared?

Laurie: Right.

Bobby: I just said Bernie I’m not going to pay you for all the things, for what you done to me and what you put me through. I think we’re even, whatever. You know. He thought it was good then because he thought I was going to talk to him again.


Laurie: He felt like he lent you the money. You said you were going to pay him back. And you didn’t and that’s the end of it. He says, ‘I’ll check off my losses but I will never forget.’ ‘That’s up to you.’

Bobby: Like he did nothing wrong. You know, all the stuff he’s done to me ...
Laurie Fine

Laurie: To him ....

Bobby: I think he really has a problem like that. He doesn’t think he does anything wrong.

Laurie: No, he doesn’t think he does anything wrong. And Bernie is also in denial. I think he did the things he did, but he’s — somehow through his own mental telepathy — erased them out of his mind.


Bobby: I kind of, like, I said, Bernie, leave me alone or I’m going to tell some people about what happened, what you did to me. He was like it was no big deal. Like, whatever. Like he’s never done anything.

Laurie: I don't think he even acknowledges what happened. I think he did it and he might’ve been — I don’t know — in another ... (cut off)

Bobby: You think I’m the only one he’s ever done that to?

Laurie: No.


Bobby: So.. You don’t think I’m the only one that did it.

Laurie: No, I don’t but ... I don't know ... you’re asking me: should you talk to (Bernie)? No, cause what’s to talk about? It’s the same ..

Bobby: I’m having issues with the thing. Like I’m just struggling with it a little.

Laurie: Well, I mean, I’m not a good sweep-it-under-the-rug kind of person. You’re only going to end up getting hurt in the long run again.

Bobby: I know. As much as I try to avoid it, I try to stay away from it. I think about it every day. I don’t know. There’s so much history there, you know.

Laurie: Oh, I understand that.

Bobby: You’re the only one who really knows, like, me and you.

Laurie: I just think you’re going to set yourself up and what have you really got to gain from doing anything, from trying to confront him to talk to him?

Bobby: I don’t know. Just because he’s been there all that time.

Laurie: The thing with Bernie is if you run across paths in years to come, that’s one thing but ...

Bobby: You’ve never see him do anything with anybody else, have you?

Laurie: No.

Bobby: That one time you told me you saw him, like when I was really young, you saw him through the basement window when you were taking the garbage out?

Laurie: Right. I don't know. Is this bothersome to you?

Bobby: Yeah it is. Lately it has been. It hit me hard. I really don’t know why.


Bobby: You don’t think he needs help? Or is it too late?

Laurie: I don’t know.

Bobby: That’s what I keep thinking: maybe ... I feel bad. All the stuff he did to me when I was younger, you know what I mean. (unintelligible) I tried to do something, he tried to grab me.

Laurie: He doesn’t learn.

Bobby: Exactly. Like the last time at Manley, the last time I saw him , I told him it’s over...

Laurie: No one’s with you, are they?

Bobby: No, no. I wouldn’t ... Laurie.

Laurie: I know.

Bobby: When I called...

Laurie: (unintelligible) about peoples privacy and I ... not that I think you're going to.

Bobby: Is anyone there?

Laurie: No. Not that I think you’re gonna record anything I say, but I’m very cautious about what I say.

Bobby: The thing about Bernie, I called him a pedophile and all this, and he still goes to Manley and he still tries to grab me in his office. He shuts the door.


Laurie: No I don’t. I just think, I think there might have been others. but it was geared to you. There was something about you...

Bobby: That’s what I was wondering. Like, why was I the worst one?

Laurie: You know, Bobby, again ... When he goes out of town, I don’t know anything. I don't think... I’m involved with the kids. I don’t see anything else. I used to live, eat, sleep and drink basketball. Now, I am so the other end the last few years that I couldn’t tell you the recruits they have. Because I just don’t care.


Bobby: I remember you wrote him a letter once and he never ...

Laurie: He never even responded to it, so you know what? You give up after a while.

Bobby: That’s why I think he needs help. I don’t know if it’s too late.

Laurie: He’s going to be 60 in a few years. What are you going to do to rehabilitate someone like that? What are you going to do?

Bobby: That’s what I keep thinking, maybe if I would’ve said something about him a long time ago, maybe he would’ve gotten some help.

Laurie: He doesn’t think he needs help. Because if I say to him...

Bobby: He likes boys. I mean, he likes. ...

Laurie: When I told him, you know .... When we talked, I felt really bad you were calling me over a year ago about this whole money thing? I said to him, um, ‘You know Bobby and I talked. I know some things about you that, if you keep pushing, are going to be let out.’ He didn’t even flinch.

Bobby: I know, that’s what I’m saying.

Laurie: He says, Let him go. Let him go ahead. Let him go right ahead.

Bobby: He doesn’t think he could be (unintelligible).

Laurie: I think he thinks he’s above the law.

Bobby: I’ve always thought that but especially after he came and grabbed me by the neck in front of everybody at Manley, you know, I’m like what the heck. And I tell him, ‘Bernie, if you don’t leave me alone, I’m gonna tell ... you know, go talk to someone.’ He goes, ‘Do what you gotta do. Whatever.’

Laurie: That’s his line: do what you gotta do.


Bobby: What about the money, like he said I owe him for ... I went to Hawaii with him.

Laurie: He said, Laurie, he came to me and told me he’d pay me back within two years. So I gave him the money on good faith that I’ll get it back.

Bobby: Good faith? Laurie, can I tell you about what happened? (laughs) You probably don’t even want to know.

Laurie: Oh, I’d love to know because — you know what? — I don't have that intimate, lovey feeling with Bernie. So I...

Bobby: He gave me some money but it ...

Laurie: How much did he give you?

Bobby: I think it was $4,000. It was in three installments. This is what happened: I was so mad at the time. I was thinking about a lot, I was going through a lot. It was just to try to get even with him ... I told him I had a school loan. I was just thinking of a way ... Maybe it was the wrong thing to do, and I feel bad about it now. And he did give me about $4,000, in three installments. It was in the summer...

Laurie: (unintelligible) You had a student loan you wanted to pay off.

Bobby: That’s what I’m talking about. This was something I had to say. It had to be three, four summers ago now, right?

Laurie: Oh yeah, oh yeah.

Bobby: So four summers ago. (Editor’s note: Bobby was in his mid-20s at the time.) It was when you were in Scott Ave., whatever, it was in the house. He called me. It must’ve been during camp, too, I’m thinking, because he came over during lunch. He’s like, here, I’ve got this amount, and I’ll give you some more tomorrow, but then he’d make me do something.

Laurie: What did he want you to do? You can be honest with me.

Bobby: What do you think? What he always does.

Laurie: He wants you to grab him? Or blow him?

Bobby: He tried to make me grab him. But first he’d try to grab me and start touching me. ...

Laurie: Right. But when he gave you the money, what did he want for that? He wanted you to grab him or he wanted to do you?

Bobby: He wanted to do me. He wanted me to touch him. He tried to make me touch him a couple of times. He’d grab my hand and then I’d pull away. Then he’d put me in your bed and then, you know, put me down. And I’d try to go away. Then he put his arm on top of my chest. He goes, If you want this money, you’ll stay right here. I’d try to leave and he’d grab me real hard. You know what he does — I told you about this before, right? He’d grab you if you tried to walk away and he’d say, I’ll pull it off or something like that.

Laurie: Right, right.

Bobby: I told you that before.

Laurie: But you never had any oral sex with him?

Bobby: No. I think he’d want to.

Laurie: Of course, he would. Why wouldn’t he?

Bobby: I don't know. (laughs)

Laurie: So then he gives you all this money. Now you’re not willing to ...

Bobby: This is three days in a row. And then I never came around again, I was so, like, distraught. I was like oh my gosh. I don’t know. It was a weird situation. Now I look back, there’s no way I could give him the money back after what I went through. Maybe that’s wrong, I don’t know.

Laurie: See, the money isn’t the issue here. He lured you with the money. See, he knew full well what he was doing.


Laurie: ... In fact the other day, as a matter of fact it’s funny that you mentioned it, ... we sold Scott Ave.

Bobby: You got rid of it?

Laurie: Yeah, Scott Ave. is gone so he couldn’t even drag you back there. Now, Wilson Street is sold sold.

Bobby: You don’t have the fraternity.

Laurie: Yeah, he has the fraternity. He doesn’t go up there anymore, hardly at all. The fraternity moved, so that wasn’t. .. Really, there’s no place for him to run and drag people ...

Bobby: Laurie, it doesn’t matter. He would do it downstairs while you were upstairs cooking sometimes.

Laurie: Uh-huh.

Bobby: He’d be like at Manley, he’d shut the door. The secretaries must ... I’d come out all red.

Laurie: When (the Fine’s son) was little and you lived there, he’d say, ‘You better put (their son) to bed.’ I’d say, ‘He is in bed.’ ‘Well, you better go check him.’ And I’d go up to check him. I’d come down. He’d be out of the living room in the basement. He used to think of ways to get me out of the room. Like, I’m not an idiot, Bernie.

The Fines' Home - Scene of the Crimes?

Bobby: Exactly. When I stayed there in your basement, he’d come down there every night. I’m like, what the heck, what’s Laurie thinking?

Laurie: What did I think? ... And then he’d come down to where you were every night. And he’d say to me, ‘Go check (their son).’ Or... Go lay with him. Go upstairs.’ Anything to get me out of the room. And I knew. I told you when I was walking down the stairs at night, I’d say to myself, Guaranteed he’s not in there. When I’d look in, his papers would be spread out all over and he’d be gone. Right down the basement, door closed.

Bobby: He did that every night.

Laurie: You know what, go to a place where there’s gay boys. Find yourself a gay boy. ... Get your rocks off, and have it be over with. He needs that male companionship that I can’t give him. ...

Bobby: You know how he’d always try to get me in the shower. You knew about that, right?

Laurie: Yeah. I still have a graphic memory of that, thank you.

Bobby: Whenever you weren’t there ...(unintelligible)

Laurie: He’d always say, ‘Bobby and I are going in the Jacuzzi.’ And I’d go to the bathroom and I’d try to come in. The door’d be locked. I’d check: ‘What's going on?’ ‘Nothing.’ I said, ‘Unlock the door.’ ‘No, we’re in our underwear.’

Bobby: So, it’s not me, it’s him.

Laurie: I understand that. You don’t have to explain to me.

Bobby: I’m trying to convince myself.

Laurie: Convince yourself. You did nothing wrong. You did nothing wrong, and you were a child, and he took advantage of that. And with Bernie there’s a price tag on everything. If he does for you, it’s like he records it in a book and you better do it for him.

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Tape of Laurie Fine's Discussion With Bobby Davis About Syracuse's Bernie Fine

Bobby Davis - With Mr. and Mrs. Fine?

Click here to hear relevant parts of the phone call between Bobby Davis and Laurie Fine, wife of accused molester and former Syracuse assistant head coach Bernie Fine.

Laurie: You Should Have Done Something

Click here to read a transcript of the phone call. 

Click Here to read our comprehensive report on the Syracuse scandal.
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Will Denial That Ball Boys Traveled With Syracuse Basketball Team Cost Jim Boeheim His Job?

Overview of Syracuse Basketball Scandal

A disturbing story with plot lines potentially similar to the Penn State/Jerry Sandusky investigation just became more compelling.

Bernie Fine - Pedophile?

Bernie Fine, a long-time assistant basketball coach at Syracuse University, and close friend of head coach Jim Boeheim, was recently fired in the wake of recent allegations by at least one former Syracuse ball boy, Bobby Davis, that he had molested them over a period of years.  Two other men have come forward with similar allegations, although neither worked as Syracuse ball boys.

Bobby Davis Had History of Making Complaints Against Fine
Bobby Davis - Victim?

This is a particularly strange story for a number of reasons.  One, Davis has been making these allegations for years, going back as far as 2002, but was never taken seriously until ESPN recently investigated the story after Davis resurfaced following the emergence of the PSU scandal.  This has led some to conclude (as Jim Boeheim did initially - he has since changed his tune) that Davis is simply crying wolf again, in a search for money.  Others have concluded that this scandal is the product of an overzealous and misplaced investigation by ESPN.


Laurie Fine All But Admits Bernie Fine a Pedophile in Taped Phone Call With Bobby Davis

Laurie Fine: Strange
Davis taped a call with Fine's wife years ago, and she basically does everything but call her husband a pedophile.  The tape is one of the strangest things I have ever heard; Mrs. Fine basically acknowledges Fine is a pedophile, describing him as at once demented and feeling he is "above the law."   She also makes clear that she knew exactly what was going on, making her complicit in her husband's alleged crimes.  Very odd.

Click Here to hear Laurie Fine's conversation with Bobby Davis.

Click Here for a full written transcript of the conversation between Laurie Fine and Bobby Davis.

Oh, and did I mention that Davis claims that he slept with Mrs. Fine, and that when he told Bernie Fine about the liaison, he simply shrugged his shoulders as if to say, "who cares" ?

Evidence Seems Clear Davis Traveled With Syracuse While a Ball Boy

Then, we have the traveling ball boy issue.
The 'Cuse - Not Unlike PSU?
Early reports, which included statements from Davis's contemporaries, indicated that Davis (and Davis alone among ball boys) had frequently traveled with Syracuse to away games, a practice that is apparently unheard of in college basketball.  The clear implication of this anomaly was that Jim Boeheim should have known that something fishy was going on given the novelty of this practice.

Based upon the way in which these early stories were reported, there seemed to be no debate about whether or not Davis traveled with the team - only about the implications of such practice where Jim Boeheim was concerned. Surely, Boeheim heard that Davis's claims that he traveled with he team were corroborated by his contemporaries...

Or maybe not.

Jim Boeheim Denies Ball Boys Ever Traveled With Syracuse Basketball Team

Boeheim:  Will Ball Boy Denial Cost His Job?
Yesterday Boeheim categorically denied that ball boys ever traveled with the team.  Although he did not specifically reference Davis, his statement appeared unequivocal, and thus appears to have included Davis within its ambit.  In making this statement, Jim Boeheim may have put his job on the line.  If, in fact, it is proved that Davis traveled with the team as a ball boy, Boeheim will be branded a liar, and clearly would be viewed in some circles as therefore complicit in Fine's alleged misdeeds (i.e. why lie about Davis traveling with team unless you have something to hide?).

Why Did Jim Boeheim Deny Ball Boys Traveled With Syracuse Basketball Team?

Here is what I think. Boeheim has been so firmly entrenched at Syracuse for so long that he believes he is untouchable.  He apparently believed, though, that his stewardship could be jeopardized if it was determined that Davis traveled with the team.  Why, I don't know - but I have a guess:  he realized that this practice is so unheard of that its existence would call into question why he was not suspicious or, in a worst scenario, that he was suspicious and did nothing.  So, despite the clear evidence provided by Davis and his fellow ball boys, despite knowing that if, indeed, Davis could prove he traveled with the team (plane tickets, hotel reservations, pictures, testimony from players and staff, etc.), he has taken the position that Davis did not travel with the team.

In doing so, he has in my mind cast suspicion upon himself that did not exist, for me, until today.

We will keep an eye on this story.
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Having soup with a fork?

(The author is the Founder and CEO of Money Avenues, a Wealth Management firm based in Chennai. Feedback can be sent to mailfpc@ 

Having soup with a fork?...

Would you have soup using a fork? You won't, right? Our personal eating convenience demands a spoon and not a fork for having soup. The same logic holds good even for our personal financial planning. When you want to have a great financial future why would you have inappropriate financial planning? When we grow well in our jobs and incomes, we tend to overlook the money management aspect. And that's like having soup with a fork. 

Let's look @ our life's "Soup with a fork"  scenarios in  personal finances:

## Inadequate life insurance:

Human life is precious and nothing in this world can value a precious human life. But for practical purposes, its always better to quantify one's life for the benefit of the financial future of the family. Life insurance is a fantastic financial tool to safeguard one's and one's family against future uncertainties and secure financial future. Life is not the same post 9/11 across the world. The mobility in our jobs have increased multi fold which has also increased our exposure to global security risks and threats. This necessitates the need for covering one's life adequately. 

What cover is adequate cover?

One should ideally have life insurance cover of 10 times of the annual income @ at all points of time. For eg., if one's income is Rs 10 lacs PA, the cover should atleast be 1 crore. If the income goes up to Rs 15 lacs PA, the cover should also rise proportionately.

Insurance cover = Annual income * 10 times.

1. The rationale for this formula is that, if misfortune strikes one's life, the family will have a financial cover for the next 10 years equivalent of the current income.

2. If you have lesser cover, it means you have under estimated your own life's value. 

3. It also means you have not fully secured your family's financial future.

So that's like having soup with a fork...

Risk can never be prevented; but can be safeguarded against it...

## Not investing based on thumb rule:

Investing thumb rule is "Invest based on your age and profile". Younger the age, higher the returns one must seek which means high risk/high reward through equities. Remember, inflation is galloping and to catch up with that, smart investing is the only way out to beat inflation. @ the age 30+ keeping most money in Banks and @ the age 50+ putting most money in equities will be like having soup with a fork. Invest according to your age and profile.

## Not starting to save and to invest early on: 

Not starting to save and invest early on in life will be a big peril in one's life. Power of compounding is a very powerful tool which helps one to create long term wealth if started early. As one grows older, the probablity of creating wealth diminishes as the time span is very much limited. Remember, "Time is Money; Money is time"

## Not having sight on long term wealth creation:

Our major financial dreams are usually long term in nature. Children education, retirement, children future etc., And these events are quite certain to happen. In that case our vision for long term wealth creation should also be in place. But we postpone the planning thinking it has a long way to go. One cannot wait for that situation and then make arrangements for such goals. When a child is born, its certain that at the age of 17 it enters college, @ 21 it enters higher education and when we reach 58 years its certain that we retire.. Not creating wealth for these goals is like eating "soup with a fork"...

## Not having S.M.A.R.T financial goals:

This is the most classic case of having "soup with a fork". When one does not have S.M.A.R.T financial goals, that's
when one is prone to uncertainty and risk without a proper financial cover. While we plan even the smallest of our activity, one cannot afford to loose sight on bigger things like personal financial planning. It's true that no one knows what would happen 15 years or 20 years later; but that very uncertainty factor necessitates a structured financial plan. Key is one should have a S.M.A.R.T financial plan and review it periodically.

If our personal financial life has the above discussed flaws, it's like having soup with a fork. So don't try to have soup with a fork; either change the dish or change the eating tool... That's when the meal becomes great. Have right approach to our financial future and it's like having soup with a spoon...

(The author is the Founder and CEO of Money Avenues, a Wealth Management firm based in Chennai. Feedback can be sent to mailfpc@ 
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Poll Shows 50% Believe Paterno Forced Sandusky to Resign Following 1998 Resignation

Poll Shows 90% Believe Sandusky's Retirement Related to 1998 Investigation

We recently posted a poll in which we asked the following question:

Based upon what you know so far, do you believe Jerry Sandusky resigned in 1999 in lieu of being fired by PSU due to 1998 investigation?

Here are the poll results:

Yes, Paterno found out about it and made him resign: 14 (50%)

Yes, PSU (but not Paterno) found out about it and made him resign: 11 (40%)

No, he truly decided to retire so he could devote more time to the Second Mile Charity:  3 (10%)

A small sampling, to be sure, but nevertheless interesting....

Sandusky:  90% Believe Forced to Resign
Paterno:  50% Believe He Forced Sandusky Out
Thanks to all who voted.
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50 Best Careers of 2011

U.S. News and World Report has published its tally of the 50 Best Careers in 2011. 

Here is the list.  If you go to the USNWR article, you can click on any of the careers listed below and obtain comprehensive information that will help you map out your career path.  Great stuff!

[Interested in other "Best Of" Surveys?  Click Here for our comprehensive collection.]

Business Jobs:

• Accountant

• Actuary

• Financial adviser

• Financial analyst

• Logistician

• Meeting planner

• Public relations specialist

• Sales manager

• Training specialist

Creative and Service Jobs:

• Commercial pilot

• Curator

• Film and video editor

• Gaming manager

• Heating, air conditioning and refrigeration technician

• Interpreter/Translator

• Multimedia artist

• Technical writer

Healthcare Jobs:

• Athletic trainer

• Dental hygienist

• Lab technician

• Massage therapist

• Occupational therapist

• Optometrist

• Physician assistant

• Physical therapist

• Physical therapist assistant

• Radiologic technologist

• Registered nurse

• School psychologist

• Veterinarian

Social Service Jobs:

• Clergy

• Court reporter

• Education administrator

• Emergency management specialist

• Firefighter

• Marriage and family therapist

• Mediator

• Medical and public health social worker

• Special-education teacher

• Urban planner

Technology Jobs:

• Biomedical engineer

• Civil engineer

• Computer software engineer

• Computer support specialist

• Computer systems analyst

• Environmental engineering technician

• Environmental science technician

• Hydrologist

• Meteorologist

• Network architect
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Triponey E-Mail Puts Paterno in Bad Light

Say it ain't so, Joe
Paterno Encouraged PSU to Hide Player Infractions From Public?

Just what Joe Paterno didn't need.  Vicky Triponey, a former PSU official who resigned in 2007, recently released (to the Wall Street Journal, no less) a 2005 e-mail she apparently had held on to for 6 years.  In it, she complains to then-PSU President Graham Spanier that Coach Paterno was insistent that reports of players' crimes and misdemeanors should not be made public.

Click Here for text of Triponey e-mail, and story.

Ok, this isn't terribly surprising but, yet, I truly am starting to feel sorry for Joe Paterno, whose clay feet are slowly, surely, being revealed to all...
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Text of 2005 E-Mail from Vicky Triponey Concerning Joe Paterno and Discipline of Penn State Football Players

I'll Handle This, Vicky

Here are the pertinent portions of the 2005 e-mail from former PSU official Vicky Triponey to then President Graham Spanier, indicating her displeasure (note the "NOTs") at Coach Paterrno's approach to player discipline.  The e-mail contains prophetic references, at least where PSU is concerned (and Coach Paterno?), to "moral and legal obligation(s)":

"[Coach Paterno] is insistent he knows best how to discipline his players ... and their status as a student when they commit violations of our standards should NOT be our concern ... and I think he was saying we should treat football players different from other students in this regard."

"Coach Paterno would rather we NOT inform the public when a football player is found responsible for committing a serious violation of the law and/or our student code, despite any moral or legal obligation to do so."

Ms. Triponey, who resigned from PSU in 2007, held that e-mail for 6 years.  I am reminded of the Italian proverb,  La vendetta è un piatto che si serve freddo ("Revenge is a dish best served cold"). 


Does the e-mail suggest to you that Penn State's "lily white" image may have more to do with deception than reality?

More accurate?

Click Here for full story from
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Former Penn State Official Claims Paterno Encouraged School to Hide Reports of Serious Player Misconduct.

Click Here for full report.
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Insider Report: Joe Paterno Fought Penn State's Attempts to Discipline Players

Did Joe Paterno Oppose Penn State's Efforts to Discipline Football Players?

Click Here for interesting report from ESPN that, to me, is at once unsurprising and damning.  It details a recent Wall Street Journal piece based in large part upon discussions with former PSU student disciplinarian Vicky Triponey, who also released a 2005 e-mail she had written to then-PSU President Granham Spanier. 

Here is an excerpt from the 2005 e-mail:

I'll Handle This, Vicky
"[Coach Paterno] is insistent he knows best how to discipline his players ... and their status as a student when they commit violations of our standards should NOT be our concern ... and I think he was saying we should treat football players different from other students in this regard."

"Coach Paterno would rather we NOT inform the public when a football player is found responsible for committing a serious violation of the law and/or our student code, despite any moral or legal obligation to do so."

Ms. Triponey, who resigned from PSU in 2007, held that e-mail for 6 years. I am reminded of the Italian proverb, La vendetta è un piatto che si serve freddo ("Revenge is a dish best served cold").

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Sandusky to Face New Charges, Bail to be Revoked?

Click Here to jump to excellent ESPN story on the still developing case against Jerry Sandusky.
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Ten Hardest Jobs to Fill

What Jobs Are Companies Having a Hard Time Filling?

A Popular Office, but Hard to Fill Position
The attached Article from provides some insight on the jobs that companies are allegedly having a hard time time filling.  The article splits the jobs on a white collar and blue collar basis.

Check it out, and perhaps you can gain some insight on career or job opportunities.

Times are tough, so I thought I'd spice this up with a little humor.  Laughter, sometimes the very best medecine... 

Bets of luck!

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Ranking the Most Common EEOC Discrimination Claims in 2011

What Are the Statistics for EEOC Charges in 2011?

The attached Chart from EEOC sets forth statistics for Job Discrimination Charges filed with EEOC during the 2011 fiscal year (which ended September 30, 2011).  As discussed in an earlier Post, the 99,922 Charges filed in 2011 constitute the most ever filed during EEOC's 46-year existence.

An examination of this historical date discloses some interesting trends.

Age Discrimination Claims on the Rise in America

Not Taking it Sitting Down
The Baby Boomers are now ranging in age from 47-65, and there are a lot of them. As the attached article discusses, older workers feel more and more they are being targeted for termination, and the
statistics bear that out.

For example, in 1997, there were 15,785 Age Discrimination Charges filed with EEOC.  In 2010, that number was 23,264, which equated to 23% of all Charges filed with EEOC.. 

Race Discrimination Claims Remain the Most Common Charges Filed with EEOC

Standing Up For Rights
Race Charges were the most common claims filed in 2011 (36%), followed by Sex (29%), Disability (25%) and then Age (23%).  National Origin, Religion and Equal Pay Act claims all registered less than 5% of all
Charges filed with EEOC in 2011.

Retaliation Claims Also on Rise

A Retaliation claim under arises when an employer demotes, fails to promote, suspends or fires and employee who has made a claim of discrimination/hostile work environment based upon age, race, sex, national origin, religion or disability (or when a complaint of sexual harassment is made).  In 1997, roughly 35,000 Retaliation claims were filed.  In 2011, that number was roughly 67,000.

To me, this suggests that more people are reporting claims of discrimination/hostile work environment to management.

John A. Gallagher is an employment lawyer who represents employees in Pennsylvania.

Click Here if you have questions about any aspect of employment law, from wrongful termination, to wage and overtime claims, to discrimination and retaliation laws, to Family and Medical Leave…

Click Here if you have questions about any aspect of Pennsylvania Unemployment Law, from willful misconduct, to voluntary quit, to Referee Hearings, to severance issues…

Click Here to e-mail John directly.

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EEOC Reports Discrimination Claims at an All-Time High

HuffPost recently examined current statistics from EEOC, which indicate that more Job Discrimination Complaints were filed during fiscal year 2011 (which ended 9/30/11) than in any previous year.  Nearly 100,000 charges were filed, the most in the agency's 46-year existence.

Click Here to see the EEOC statistics.

Click Here to read our analysis of the EEOC Charge Statistics for 2011.

Click Here to read our answers to the most common FAQs concerning employment law.
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Lead an i S.M.A.R.T financial life...

(The author is the Founder and CEO of Money Avenues, a Wealth Management firm based in Chennai. Feedback can be sent to mailfpc@ 

Leading an i S.M.A.R.T financial life...

News headline says iPhone 4S to cost around Rs 44,500 in India... Rs 44,500 for a gadget which may last for a year or two.. And am sure even if one does not change it, it will be outdated by then...

For an assumption lets see what Rs 44,500 can buy other things in our life which can secure our and our family's financial future...

For an average 35 year old person, can you imagine what would be the approximate life insurance cover he can get for the same Rs 44,500?

A whopping....

Rs 2 Crores of life insurance cover...

If one invests Rs 45,000 in equities earning a CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) of 18%, can you imagine what kind of wealth he would create after 20 years?

A whopping...

Rs.12.33 lacs. Yes, Rs.12 lacs & 33 thousands...

In simple terms, Rs 45000 would have multiplied by more than 25 times... That's the power of compounding.

Lead an i S.M.A.R.T financial life for a brighter financial future...

(The author is the Founder and CEO of Money Avenues, a Wealth Management firm based in Chennai. Feedback can be sent to mailfpc@

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McQueary and Police in Fight to Death

In 2010, Mike McQueary Wrote a Handwritten Statement About the 2002 Shower Incident

Yesterday, Sara Ganim of the Patriot-News, who has been lauded by her stellar coverage of the PSU scandal, wrote an article that in part stated the following:

The Patriot-News viewed the handwritten witness statement that McQueary gave after he was found by agents with the state attorney general’s office in 2010. The Patriot-News verified it through a source close to the investigation.

His statement is two pages long, and it makes no mention of McQueary making a statement to police. It says nothing about stopping the assault. It is very similar to the account summarized in the 23-page grand jury presentment.

McQueary wrote that he hastily left the locker room after allegedly seeing a boy about 10 years old being sodomized by Sandusky. Sandusky and the boy saw him, he wrote, but he doesn’t think he would recognize the boy today.

The whole thing lasted about a minute, he wrote.

Neither campus nor borough police received reports from McQueary about an alleged sexual assault in 2002, the departments said Wednesday.

State College Police Chief Tom King said McQueary didn’t make a report to his department. Penn State spokeswoman Annemarie Mountz said campus police also didn’t have any record of a report filed in 2002 by McQueary.
Mike McQueary's 2010 Handwritten Statement Consistent With Grand Jury Indictment

These statements are consistent with the summary of McQueary's testimony before the Grand Jury contained in its Indictment. The Indictment explicitly states that a subpoena issued to the police during the investigation seeking any and all records relating to the 2002 shower episode resulted in the production of no records.
Mike McQueary's 2010 Handwritten Statement Inconsistent With McQueary's Recent E-Mail

McQueary's recent e-mail, the full text of which may be found Here, states that he "had discussions" with the police about the 2002 shower incident.  Yesterday, the police denied having ever received a report from McQueary in 2002 (which, in fairness to McQueary, does not squarely address his claim that he had discussions with the police about the 2002 incident).  Now, the handwritten statement seems to tip the  credibility scales in favor of the police, and against Mike McQueary.

So, what is going on here?

Why Would Mike McQueary Lie?

Reputation restoration. 

Sandusky:  Praying That McQueary Keeps Talking

Yet, doing so in this fashion is extremely risky and dangerous, particularly given the seriousness of the incidents at issue, and the fact that the eyes of the World (friends of mine in Italy and Great Britain said the PSU scandal was front page news all of last week) are upon you.  Here is why.

McQueary has pitted himself against the police in a do or die struggle that, at least from the police department's perspective, could have millions of dollars of ramifications.


PSU Police: Out To Prove McQueary Lying

If the police were in March/April 2002 (the shower incident took place on a Friday night at around 9:30 p.m. in March 2002) made aware of the explicit rape allegations recounted by McQueary to the Grand Jury, and did nothing, than any Sandusky victims abused subsequent to that time will have a strong argument that the police are civilly liable to them for damages.  Big damages.

If McQueary is proved to be lying about talking to the police, what do you think that will do to McQueary's credibility in front of a jury.  Sandusky's lawyer is licking his chops.

And, so, McQueary - star witness for the prosecution - has now created a prime time battle for credibility between he and the prosecution.  This can only help the defense, whether McQueary or the police are lying, but it particularly helps the defense if McQueary is lying - which right now appears to be the case. 

McQueary's e-mail is the latest in a series of stupefying gaffes by the characters in this drama.  Here are some of the most startling such gaffes:

Spanier:  Long Distance Support...

1. PSU President Graham Spanier pledges "unconditional support" to two high ranking PSU officials indicted for perjury and failure to report sex crimes against children. He is fired days later.

What Did Joe Know?

2. Joe Paterno claims he would have done more if he had known that the boy was being sodomized, suggesting that he did "what he was supposed to" by reporting to his superiors what he understood to be mere sexual  horseplay by a naked Jerry Sandusky and a 10 year-old boy in the PSU showers, and never following up with anyone about the incident ever again. He is fired days later.

Ignoring Assault Not Right Thing, Dad
 3. John McQueary, Mike's father, said Mike did what he was supposed to in 2002, thereby blessing his son's decision to high-tail it out of the locker room after he witnessed the rape without intervening to stop it. In making his statement, father McQueary also blessed his own actions, which consisted of encouraging his son to flee after receiving a call from him moments after he had witnessed the assault.

Scott - We're Skeptical
4. Scott Paterno, JoePa's lawyer son, said that Joe did not know about the intense, prolonged 1998 investigation by PSU Police into another shower molestation charge against Sandusky.

5. Scott also claims that Sandusky's sudden and surprising resignation had nothing to do with the 1998 investigation. He has since gone radio silent.

Dangerous E-Mails Ahead

6. Mike McQueary sends e-mail (which appeared to be intended for leak) saying he stopped assault and that he spoke to police about 2002 incident, statements contradicted by Grand Jury Indictment, police and McQueary's own handwritten statement issued the prior year. Now he is on administrative leave, firing  imminent.

Careful, Joe
7.  Sandusky's attorney Joe Amendola tells media he has found the 10 year-old boy in the shower, and the boy denies he was raped.  WOW.  If I had such a star witness (whose identity is unknown to all except Sandusky), I think I would keep under wraps.  And, hoo boy, I would not say or even suggest that unless I knew for sure it was in the bag.  We'll see.

Sad, sad situation.

Click Here to read why McQueary's Risky e-mail gambit may trip him up - big time.

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